Inspect flashing around your fireplace chimney

Roofing Experts 1:38 pm

Inspect flashing around your fireplace chimney

A leaking chimney can create all types of problems. Not only to just your roof but also the attic and indoor walls. To ensure that your chimney and home is protected, Eastbrook Construction builds a chimney flashing, a sheet metal installed for the purpose of protecting the watertight connection between chimney and roof, around your fireplace chimney.

They cut an 8×8 inch sheet of aluminum, make 1/2 bends up and work underneath counter flashing and under every shingle. This is done in such a way that it will never need tar and will not leak. We fix it once and you never have to get it fixed again!

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Events Around North West Oakland and Livingston County

Roofing Experts 3:56 pm

How has your summer been? We here at Eastbrook Construction have been enjoying all the great weather and all the events and outdoor activities around Metro Detroit. While we really don’t want to think about it, summer is almost over. August may be the last official month of summer, but we’re hoping for a warm September! Wanting to make the most out of the last month of summer we found some awesome events going on around Oakland and Livingston counties! We looked around Brighton, Howell, Fenton, Hartland, Highland to see what’s going on in August and after Labor day! We want to just jump into it, so let’s get going! Here are some more events.

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