Things to Consider When Replacing a Roof

Roofing Experts 11:55 am

Things to Consider When Replacing a Roof

There are many things to consider when replacing a roof. After the chaotic weather this winter, some people will be looking to get their roofs replaced. Replacing a roof is a huge task and not an easy decision. So, it is good to consider all variables during the process.

Water Shield

When you are replacing a roof, you should install a water shield (or ice shield). These shields are waterproof membranes from ice and water damage. Considering Michigan has chaotic rainy seasons and a freeze-thaw cycle, a water shield can guarantee your roof stays in good condition for a long time.

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My Roof is Leaking—Do I Need to Have The Whole Thing Replaced?

Roofing Experts 9:42 am

My Roof is Leaking—Do I Need to Have The Whole Thing Replaced?

“My roof is leaking!”

Those were the first words I said when I came back from work and saw water. The cause? Heavy rain and a breach in the roof. Indeed, discovering a leak is stressful. After all, the water damage can be serious. Especially, when the second leak already had mold growing. However, how severe is the breach? Did the heavy rain cause the damage? Or was it already there? Most importantly, do I need a roof repair or replacement? Without a doubt, this is an overwhelming situation. So, let’s discuss when you need a simple repair or an overhaul!

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